Frozen Shoulder Embolization

A safe and minimally invasive alternative to medication, extensive physical therapy and surgery.

Treatment for: Frozen shoulder
Procedures offered: Frozen shoulder embolization

frozen shoulder

What is “frozen shoulder?”

Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) refers to the gradual loss of movement in the shoulder joint. It literally becomes “stuck” and the joint’s movement is limited.
Little is known about how and why a frozen shoulder happens. The direct cause is inflammation within the tissues around the shoulder joint. In a normal shoulder, these tissues (known as the capsule) expand and contract as the arm is moved. When they become inflamed, scarring develops within the joint. This is called adhesion, and when it occurs, it results in pain and restricted movement.

It is important to note that a frozen shoulder is highly vascularized. This means there is an excessive number of abnormally large blood vessels within the joint, which allows a high amount of pro-inflammatory mediators into the joint, causing inflammation and scarring.

Treating frozen shoulder

Anti-inflammatory medications, steroid injections and physical therapy have been prescribed to reduce inflammation and help to restore the shoulder’s range of motion. Unfortunately, such conservative treatment methods take a long time, if they work at all. When symptoms persist, arthroscopic surgery is sometimes recommended. Unfortunately, surgery comes with a number of risks and requires a long and possibly painful recovery period.

Frozen shoulder embolization: A new and practical treatment option offered by our Minnesota clinic

Frozen shoulder embolization is a minimally invasive procedure that offers long-lasting relief of the pain and stiffness of frozen shoulder. The procedure is performed by an interventional radiologist who uses a special catheter (guided by x-ray imaging) to “embolize” or partially block blood flow through the abnormal vessels within the joint. This reduces inflammation within the joint and delivers significant pain relief within just a few days.

Patients who have had frozen shoulder embolization have reported less pain, significant increases in shoulder function and a decreased need for medication. Side effects from the procedure are rare and can include bruising or soreness in the area where the catheter is inserted into the body.

If you’ve been diagnosed with frozen shoulder, consult with us to learn all of your options! We are happy to work with other doctors and members of your care team to make sure that you receive all the information to make an informed decision about your treatment.

To schedule a consultation with one of our doctors, please contact us or call North Star Vascular & Interventional at (952) 960-9399.

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